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Application Portfolio Development

Application portfolio development and tools are increasingly important as CIOs and IT managers are learning and finding new ways to keep their older infrastructure in line while still building further software and applications. Although CIOs and IT leaders need to keep on top of the development, they might need help or a solution that will monitor continuously. It can be somewhat of an uphill battle to stay online and keep operations in line, so CAST Highlight has developed a solution that does just that.

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In a perfect world, applications will update themselves and everything will fall in line – or IT departments will have an unlimited budget with an unlimited amount of employees with all of the best skills. Unfortunately, that isn’t really possible. The reality is that budgets are what they are and businesses can’t continually hire new people while keeping the older ones as well.

Application portfolio development solutions help to improve how data and applications are managed throughout development – without going over budget or slowing down development.

Application Portfolio Development Solutions

When development your application portfolio, there are many things that you need to keep track off – and with so many fires burning, it can be difficult to do so.

With application portfolio development, specialized software can be used to assess the health and effectiveness of your applications. CAST Highlight’s tool will uncover which apps are working toward your business goals, which ones need to be repaired in order to work, and which ones are just taking away from your budget and need to be retired. Our softwaresolutions serves to look deep into the apps and see what they are capable of doing – and what they can’t do. When it comes to application modernization, our development solutions can analyze which apps will be problematic and how to effectively bring them up to date. You can either address individual apps and change them, or develop a new solution.

Another part of application portfolio development is application migrations. If you need to change the programming language of your apps, whether to make them work better or just to improve outdated infrastructure. If you are trying to migrate to the Cloud or another storage site, our solution can help to make it that much easier.

How Application Portfolio Development Helps You

Application portfolio development helps you with creating roadmaps for future updates and new application building. This will help you to determine what changes need to be made to your application portfolio, when to make those changes, and what the costs will be for each and every change. You will be able to rationalize each of those steps as well as see how things shift when you make any changes.

Application portfolio development solutions will reduce the complexity in the choices that you make, of course, but also the complexity in the application portfolio itself. You’ll be able to easy identify which applications can be retired, which ones are redundant, and which ones are working well. When you complete these steps, your processes are streamlined and you will be able to better distribute any and all resources and well as allocate your resources in a more effective way. When combine with the other benefits of application portfolio development, you will have reduced costs for the organization overall.

As you build and develop your application portfolio, you will be able to better align your goals with the mission of your company.

Application Portfolio Development from CAST Highlight

CAST Highlight provides the solution for application portfolio development – an objective, unbiased view of the application portfolio. It focuses on application risks, the effort required to maintain and upgrade the application and the technical complexity of the portfolio.

WIth CAST Highlight’s solution, you will be able to:

Baseline Your Portfolio: Get a fact-based assessment of your critical applications in just a few days.

Segment to Prioritize: Identify applications that are good candidates for changes: merges, retirements, modernizations.

Set Objectives: Understand what you need to do to get to the next level – and build a plan to get there.

Continuous Monitoring: Maintaining connection to your key metrics to track health and improvement continuously.

If you are interested in our application portfolio development solution, schedule a free demo today.