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Effective Application Risk Management

As the pace of development increases, systems become more complex, and businesses rely more and more on software to create revenue, the potential for application risks flourishes. These conditions significantly escalate the need for an effective application risk management process:

  • Growing System Complexity
  • Multi-sourcing
  • Accelerated Development Practices
  • Insufficient Testing Time and Resources

Examples of potential threats during a project or post implementation include human error, unrealistic schedules or budgets, undetected vulnerabilities, and failure to meet user requirements. Application risk management is the process of identifying potential threats and implementing improvement efforts to alleviate or prevent possible negative events resulting to your business - or job.

Structural Analysis: Key to Effective Application Risk Management

Some 90% of system failures, security breaches, and infrastructure problems are a direct result of poor structural code and application architecture. While traditional testing methods identify most functional deficiencies, they do not have the ability to assess what will happen across a complex, multi-tier, multi-language system. Poor structural integrity and undetected vulnerabilities create rework as these issues heighten the threat of production-time failure.

Structural analysis is the use of automated processes to determine complexity, performance, reliability, and potential system weakness based on a standards-based assessment of the system code and architecture. Structural analysis allows organizations to monitor development efforts against benchmarking measurements each time the development team creates a new functionality or enhancement. Automated analysis decreases the time it takes to complete the analysis process, while increasing the accuracy of supplied results.

Enterprise-Class Automated Application Risk Management Software

Your organization is most likely spending more while getting less from developers, as a large portion of their time is invested in detecting or repairing these issues. CAST Application Intelligence Platform or AIP is an automated enterprise-based solution capable of assessing multiple language implementations across complex architectures. As an application risk management solution, AIP offers these additional benefits:

  • Improved System Performance and Reliability
  • Reduced Technical Debt
  • Compliance to Architecture and Coding Standards
  • Increased Vendor Value
  • Reduce System Outages and Other Business Risks

CAST AIP is the only solution with the ability to assess applications regardless of the utilized language and provides accurate scores for even the most extensive code bases. Take a FREE demo of the CAST Application Analytics Dashboard to find out how we can help you achieve more effective application risk management of your critical systems.