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Software System Architecture

Software system architecture is rich and complex, but for those that work with it, follows a distinct set of standards. Software architects use software system architecture models to communicate their plans and thoughts with others and to get feedback on the work that they are doing.

Software Architecture Models

As software architecture models are used to gain feedback, they are sometimes quite long and detailed. They are used to show the rigor of a specific methodology – meaning if what is being said will be implemented by two different developers, will they both get the same results? As software architecture models have illustrations, it should be easy to see what each should get.

Software architecture models should meet standards that all IT professionals know. This is a type of communication that is easily understood no matter where someone is from or what projects they are working on at any given time.

Software System Architecture Deliverables

Software system architecture helps to deliver a set of functional goals for an organization. These goals need to be clear, complete, consistent, measurable, and achievable. This will help to steer the direction of a development team and give them directions when they are unsure of where to go.

A software systems architecture developer should be able to give a detailed concept of the system as well as one that is simpler. The more complex version should have at least two layers of decomposition. This should include information about timing, operator attributes, plans for implementation, and testing options.

Software Development Architecture

Software development architecture is an emerging discipline that is somewhat new within the software engineering realm. Even more, it is a practice that continues to change and improve. Still, there are some limitations to software development architecture, including:

  • The distinct lack of comprehensive tools and standardized ways to model architecture
  • Lack of analysis methods to predict whether software development architecture will result in an
  • implementation that meets the requirements a business has set forth
  • Lack of understanding of the role that a software architect plays in the development process
  • Poor communication among IT teams, CIOs, and stakeholders.
  • No comprehension of the design process
  • Lack of design experience
  • Little chance to evaluate a design

Software System Architect

A software system architect has one main goal: to produce a solution that a technical team can then create and design for the entire application. This is a complicated practice and requires years of hands-on experience and studying for that person to make a few mistakes. Of course, with software system architecture being relatively new, it is difficult to find people with that capability. Therefore there are software system architecture tools to help spot problems and quickly test any changes. Still, a software system architect needs to have experience in the following:

Design: A software system architect needs to be an expert in designing software, including in many diverse approaches and areas that will integrate with a current system. They also need to be able to lead the development team or at least coordinate with them to keep the integrity of the design. Finally, they need to be able to review design proposals and understand just what changes need to be made.

Domain: Software system architects need to be experts on the system being developed for current changes and the future of the software. This includes the ability to assist in the requirement acquisition process and in testing. It also requires the ability to coordinate the definition of a domain model for the system.

Technology: Software system architecture requires professionals to be experts on the emerging technologies that help with the implementation of the system, even if they do not need to be hands on in the process. They still need to be able to coordinate the selection of platforms, frameworks, programming languages, and other imperative pieces of information.

Methods: Software system architecture requires knowledge of the different development methodologies that can be used throughout the software development life cycle. This will help that person help CIOs and IT leaders to choose the appropriate approaches to software development – something that can help the entire team.

Hidden Role of Software Architect

Besides, facilitating the technical work among team members, it has also some subtle roles such as reinforce the trust relationship among team members and protect team members from the external forces that could distract them and bring less value to the project.

“Integration has proven to be the most enlightening activity in exposing the architecturally significant risks in software development. Resolving architectural uncertainties earlier is paramount to reducing the burdens of the typical late-in-the-life-cycle rework that stifles agility.
Walker Royce IBM Chief Software Economist

Not asking the right questions about your software architecture can lead to serious decay over time not to mention outages and performance issues.

  • Stop critical single points of failure.
  • SOA repositories are typically built on a wide range of technologies.
  • Give your architects and developers practical guidance.
  • Make service reuse a reality.
  • Deploy a system that automates the enforcement of these guidelines.

To prevent application decay, delivery teams must put in place a software intelligence platform. CAST structural analysis engine, the Application Intelligence Platform, look at how software components interact then creates a visual representation to provides insight to developers or new team members that help them better understand, support, and continue to develop the application.

For more information about CAST software architecture solutions CLICK HERE to learn more.