Unlock the Full Potential of Your Code with Software Intelligence

Aug 22, 2024 | Portfolio Governance Unlock the Full Potential of Your Code with Software Intelligence


Digital transformation is reshaping businesses, driving integration across all areas to boost efficiency and expand business potential. Today, companies are increasingly adopting cloud computing and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) frameworks to maintain competitiveness, ensure the adaptability and scalability of technological infrastructures, and, most importantly, control costs.

In this evolving landscape, CAST’s software intelligence solutions—backed by over 30 years of expertise in code measurement—empower companies to fully understand their application portfolios. These solutions help assess application code integrity in terms of compliance, development standards, security, and vulnerabilities, enabling better planning for cloud migration and sustainable optimization of ICT infrastructures.

Streamline your application management

CAST Highlight, a SaaS solution from CAST, enables you to quickly and automatically generate an application map with a user-friendly dashboard. This dashboard provides a snapshot of Software Health, Cloud Maturity (Portfolio Advisor for Cloud Migration Strategy), Open Source Safety (SCA software composition analysis), and the Green Impact (Portfolio Advisor for Green) of your applications.

Gain deep insights with CAST Imaging

CAST Imaging offers rapid discovery, providing a comprehensive view of your applications by highlighting objects, relationships, dependencies, integrity violations, and vulnerabilities. Its Management, Engineering, and Security dashboards let you drill down into source code violations, ensuring compliance with ISO-5055, Green OMG ASCRSM standards, and CWE and OWASP security standards. It also checks third-party libraries and frameworks for licensing issues and CVE vulnerabilities. The Engineering dashboard's drill-down feature allows you to navigate through detected violations, pinpoint the affected lines of code, and set up remediation plans for resolution.

CAST Imaging also provides developers with an interactive application map that analyzes source code and presents views that highlight relationships between applications (app-to-app dependencies), technologies, frameworks, third-party components, and databases. This feature facilitates the verification of existing code and the corrections made through remediation plans.

CAST’s software intelligence is the ideal solution for companies looking to equip their developers with tools for writing new code, maintaining existing applications, and undertaking total or partial re-engineering projects.